/ Artworks / Water Joy
Water Joy

A Kryptyk response to the theme, “Where There is Water”. The short poem, “Where There is Water, There is Joy, Water Joy—Joy!” was coined as a linguistic expression to the joy felt by living most of my life by the beautiful waters of Lake Macquarie. The words from this short poem were then morphed into an encrypted visual representation that paradoxically portrays the words of the theme and poetic response in an abstracted form, including the water mosaic, rays/sails and core neography representing “joy”—in dark orange.

The artwork is animated by colourful ambient lights that vividly represent the daily, seasonal and at times spontaneous changes of the waters of Lake Macquarie and also accompanied by a song generated from the encrypted information used to create the artwork that provides an extra layer of sensory immersion.

Materials: Acrylic paint on board and balsa wood—with metal parts, LED light components and motion activated sound player.

Size: Core size (frame) 1200 x 1200mm. Extensions, approx. 1700 x 1800 x 200mm.